Saturday meet at the gate at 6 am. 3 Lehi loops with McDowell hills at the end of 2 or 3 of the loops–15-16 miles depending on the number of hills. Drop water at Sheepherder Park. The first loop will be reverse direction (clockwise) starting down Lehi Rd due to the dark so we can start on pavement.
If anyone needs to start and finish earlier or later, do so and meet us at the Park at 6:05-10 am or 6:55-7 am.
Next week’s schedule of 43-45 miles:
M 5:45 am from the gate 6-7 mile Adobe recovery run. Greg, Tory, Denton are doing a bike ride 5:30 am sharp from VV/McDowell
T 5:15 am from the gate, run the canal north of McDowell to VV and do 4 miles of hill repeats. 8 miles total
W rest or 5:30 am sharp from VV/McDowell bike ride
Th 5 am from the gate 12-mile Big Loop-plus. Full 11-mile Big Loop, plus a McDowell to Gilbert Rd hill at the end. Since I will be out Friday-Sunday and need to make Thursday my long run, at 4:30 am I will do a reverse Scoresby starting from the gate and meet the group at the gate at 5 am or as it starts the Big Loop.
F 5:30 am sharp from VV/McDowell bike ride
Sat long run of 17-18 miles TBD by you since I will be out